Dental cleaning usually relies on dental care machine. Having dental cleaning too often will cause the wear and tear of enamel, and inconvenience of daily life.This product can effectively clean teeth in short period of time without damaging the enamel. This whitening material is extracted by plant and then mixed with chemical compound to create effective whitening results.目前一般洗牙,均依賴機器。長久洗牙會造成法郎質損耗,且造成飲食生活上的不便。該產品能於短時間內,能有效清除牙齒汙垢且不傷害法郎質組織。該潔白劑係以植物萃取液提煉,添加少許化合物,藉此組合成具有立竿見影之潔白效能。