The device for deep self-massage is intended for massage and self-massage of various parts of the human body and can be used for therapeutic and preventive purposes both in medical institutions and at home. It is known that in the striated skeletal muscles very often, for various reasons, there are "trigger points". Active trigger points serve as a source of local pain and can cause reflected pain in distant parts of the body. One of the methods of treating such conditions is deep acupressure. With the help of the proposed massager, you can easily self-massage any muscle with sufficient depth of impact. The device for deep self-massage is made of glued wood, or a combination of glued wood and wood, or wood,The device for deep self-massage works as follows. First determine the zone (part of the body) of the pain in which the user is disturbed and on which deep self-massage will be performed. Further, the user who wants to perform the procedure takes a device for deep self-massage by the handle and probes with the end of the hook, a certain area of the body, finding a painful point. Then increases the pressuremassage element to this point to such an increase in pain that the user himself will estimate in 4-5 points on a 10-point scale (where 10 points is the maximum possible pain on the users own suggestion). The selected pressure is maintained for 15-20 seconds, after which the pressure is smoothly stopped (in 1-2 seconds). As a result of a properly performed procedure, the pain in this area, which worried the user before the procedure, should be significantly reduced or completely gone. 7 zp, 2 in Fig.Устройство для глубокого самомассажа предназначено для проведения массажа и самомассажа различных участков тела человека и может быть использовано в лечебных и профилактических целях как в медицинских учреждениях, так и на дому. Известно, что в поперечно-полосатых скелетных мышцах очень часто в силу различных причин возникают «триггерные точки». Активные триггерные т