Aerosol Generator has a Cylindrical body with distal and proximal ends to receive a Supply of pressurized Fluid to be discharged from the nozzle as a spray.An electrically operated Valve to control the discharge of the Fluid into the nozzle and a Pressure switch mounted in the body.
Aerosol Generator has a Cylindrical body with distal and proximal ends to receive a Supply of pressurized Fluid to be discharged from the nozzle as a spray.An electrically operated Valve to control the discharge of the Fluid into the nozzle and a Pressure switch mounted in the body.Un generador de aerosol que posee un cuerpo cilíndrico con extremos distal y proximal para recibir un suministro de fluido presurizado para ser descargado hacia la boquilla como un aerosol, una válvula operada eléctricamente para controlar la descarga del fluido hacia la boquilla y un interruptor de presión montado en el cuerpo.