Prípravek obsahující jednodruhovou nebo vícedruhovou probiotickou kulturu a nosic, pricemz probiotická kultura je alespon cástecne ve forme biofilmu prilnutého k nosici. Zpusob výroby tohoto prípravku a jeho pouzití v potravinárském prumyslu, humánní i veterinární farmacii a v kosmetickém prumyslu, a výrobek, který prípravek obsahuje.In the present invention, there is disclosed a formulation containing a single- or multiple-species probiotic culture and a carrier wherein said probiotic culture is present at least partially in the form of a biofilm adhering to the carrier. In the invention, there is also disclosed a process for preparing the above-indicated formulation as well as its use in food industry, human and veterinary pharmacy and in cosmetic industry. Disclosed is also a product in which the formulation id comprised.