Invention herewith described refers to the preparations from barley malt for athletes and belongs to the field of preparation and application of the preparations for the metabolism modulation of athletes during sports activities in order to increase the general (aerobic) endurance, reduction of the fatigue indicators during and after physical exercise as well as faster functional recovery after maximal and submaximal activities. The preparations of the invention are prepared from the mixtures of sprouts and roots of barley malt, the by-products in the production of malt for which has been found out that contain relatively high concentrations of substances such as the nucleotides and as amino acids, which has a beneficial influence on the metabolism of eukaryotic cells in humans as well. This invention prefers the use of the preparations obtained by autolysis of the malted barley via the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, thereby achieving a direct transport into circulation and high efficiency of application.Pronalazak pripada oblasti izrade i primene preparata za modulaciju metabolizma sportista tokom sportskih aktivnosti radi povećanja opšte (aerobne) izdržljivosti, smanjenja indikatora zamora tokom i nakon fizičkog vežbanja, kao i bržeg funkcionalnog oporavka nakon maksimalnih i submaksimalnih aktivnosti.Preparati iz pronalaska dobivaju se iz smese klica i korenčića ječmenog slada, nuzproizvoda u proizvodnji slada, za koje je utvrđeno da sadrže relativno visoke koncentracije supstanci nukleotidne prirode, kao i aminokiselina, koje blagotvorno utiču na metabolizam eukariotskih ćelija, pa i kod čoveka.Ovim pronalaskom preferira se primena preparata, dobivenih autolizom navedenih komponenata sladovanog ječma, preko mukoznih membrana usne duplje, čime se postiže direktan transport u krvotok i visoka efikasnost primene.