This invention, 1st rigid body and, 2nd rigid body and, 1st rigid body and is connected by 2nd rigid body, 1st rigid body and 2nd rigid body, includes with the connecting component which makes the revolution of the substantial two dimensions for mutually possible, it regards the hinge. As for the connecting component, the HPPE fiber which can bend with revolution is included.本発明は、第1の剛体と、第2の剛体と、第1の剛体および第2の剛体に連結され、第1の剛体および第2の剛体の、互いに対する実質的な二次元の回転を可能にする接合部材とを含む、ヒンジに関する。接合部材は、回転によって曲げることができるHPPE繊維を含む。