The invention relates to medicine, in particular to otorhinolaryngology and can be used for differential diagnostics of tonsillitis forms of streptococcal etiology in children by the age groups and region.According to the invention, the claimed method includes clinical and paraclinical examination, where are determined the following parameters: individual index of O-antistreptolysine formation to the streptococcal antigen of the patient (IIFA), individual index of patients cell sensitivity to the streptococcal antigen (IISB), regional index of O-antistreptolysine physiological norm by the age groups (INACV), regional index of cell sensitivity physiological norm by the age groups (INSCV), then is calculated the level of deviation (ND), according to the formula:.In the case when in children of 1…5 years old, ND is higher than 48.5 it is diagnosed chronic uncompensated tonsillitis, and when is less - chronic compensated tonsillitis in children of 6…10 years old, when ND is higher than 46.2 - chronic uncompensated tonsillitis, and when is less - chronic compensated tonsillitis in children of 11…14 years old, when ND is higher than 35.9 - chronic uncompensated tonsillitis and when is less - chronic compensated tonsillitis in children of 15…18 years old, when ND is higher than 17.2 - chronic uncompensated tonsillitis, and when is less - chronic compensated tonsillitis.Invenţia se referă la medicină, în special la otorinolaringologie, şi poate fi utilizată pentru diagnosticul diferenţial al formelor de amigdalită de etiologie streptococică la copii, după categoriile de vârstă şi regiune.Conform invenţiei, metoda revendicată include examenul clinic şi paraclinic, unde se stabilesc următorii parametri: indicele individual al formării antistreptolizinei-O la antigenul streptococic al bolnavului (IIFA), indicele individual al sensibilităţii celulare a bolnavului la antigenul streptococic (IISB), indicele regional al normei fiziologice a antistreptolizinei-O după categoriile de