Карасев Александр Александрович (RU),Карасев Николай Александрович (RU),Карасев Дмитрий Александрович (RU)
The invention relates to medical engineering, in particular to the electrical stimulator, and can be used for obschereguliruyuschego health effects on physiological systems of the human body. Elektroneyroadaptivny stimulator, the first embodiment (FIG. 1) includes indicating and control unit 1, which includes a microcontroller, display, controls, serial communication interface, a power supply, as well as a number of effect modules 2, each of which includes a exposure, a microcontroller, a certain number of serial interfaces 3. Influencing modules 2 are interconnected by serial interfaces 3 in a honeycomb array, a honeycomb matrix of one serial channel cos inena with indicating and control unit 1. The second embodiment of the claimed elektroneyroadaptivnogo stimulator (FIG. 2) comprises a display and control module 4 including a microcontroller, display, controls, serial communication interface, a power supply, as well as a number of effect modules 5, each of which includes a feedback unit, a microcontroller, a certain number of serial interfaces 6 and power supply. Impacting modules 5 are connected to each other and with indicating and control 4 in a honeycomb matrix based on magnetic coupling (Fig. 3) via permanent magnets 7 contained in each module 5, and the interface 6 formed on the wireless-based (optical, inductive, radio, etc.) Stated options elektroneyroadaptivnogo stimulator are means to realize a highly efficient modern technology is not drug-induced restoration of human health, known as the "SCENAR", "Cosmodic" "Miosk n "," EDF "- self-controlling electro-neuro-adaptive regulation (stimulation). 2 bp f-ly, 3 Fig.Полезные модели относятся к медицинской технике, а именно к электростимуляторам, и могут использоваться для общерегулирующего оздоровительного влияния на физиологические системы организма человека. Электронейроадаптивный стимулятор, первый вариант (Фиг. 1), содержит модуль индикации и управления 1, включающий в себя микроконтроллер, индикатор, орг