There is provided a multi-ring animal collar that can be used to restrain the animal or to provide a choking force on the animal. The unit features a plurality of rings spaced around the periphery of the collar thus facilitating attachment of a leash or other restrain at or near the top of the animal's head. This eliminates the need to access the lower area of the animal's neck thereby improving both convenience and safety when attaching the leash to the collar. The collar may be formed from steel chain or the like or from straps of material such as leather or nylon. Multiple rings allow for two modes of operation: restraint or restraint and choking force. These modes are selected by selecting different attachment rings according to the function desired. The varying length of the links that comprise the collar enables the user to impose varying degrees of choking force upon an animal. Stops included on the varying length links halt the increase of the choking force applied to the animal.