БОЛДИ Уилльям Дж. Мл. (US),ФАМИЛИ Амин (US),ПАЛКАР Саурабх А. (US)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: present invention refers to a method of medicinal product packing into implantable medical devices, more specifically - to methods for improving an ink jet technology, in particular improving ink jet fidelity, with regard to packing of implantable medical devices with medicinal products. A method for dosing the same specified amount of a specific substance in one or more locations on an object involves placing the object nearby at least one nozzle of a jet dosing device, so as to ensure a relative motion between the object and at least one nozzle specified above. That is followed by sampling a first pre-set number of drops of the particular substance from at least one nozzle specified above into a receiver and determining an average weight of the drops. Thereafter, the number of the drops required to produce the desirable weight of the drops in each one or more locations in the object is calculated. A second pre-set number of drops of the particular substance is sampled from at least one nozzle specified above into the receiver until a stable drop size is achieved that is followed by applying the required number of the drops to produce the desirable weight of the drops in one or more locations on the object, at the same time providing the condition that the time required to move between target locations is less than or equal to a time interval between sequential drops.EFFECT: developing methods of applying the precisely identical number of the specific substance into different specified locations of the object of interest.3 cl, 18 dwg, 2 tblНастоящее изобретение относится к способам заполнения лекарственных препаратов в имплантируемые медицинские устройства, более конкретно - к способам совершенствования технологии струйной печати, в частности повышения точности струйной печати, применительно к заполнению имплантируемых медицинских устройств лекарственными препаратами. Способ дозирования одинакового, точно определенного количества конкретн