1. Due to the non-toxicity factor of our product, the health and skin of the applicator of the product is remained intact and protected which was earlier injuriously affected . 2. . The end product comes out to be SILICON GRADE A for which landing (paani ki tarai)/ curing is not a prerequisite. Moreover, it turns out to be much credible and defensible than the normal cement and gypsum 3. what makes our product unquestionable are its favorable qualities , such as, its water proof, heat resistant, radiation resistant, regulates temperature , sound proof, fire proof, moisture proof jnsepts and termite proof and creates insulation. 4. the mixture is unique as its capable if reducing the ambient temperature inside a room by 8-10 degrees , if used between 10-15 mm in thickness or more. 5. To obtain different finish from the same mixture , varied colors can be added / supplemented , whereas earlier only single coated gypsum / sand /cement were the products restricted for interiors . . 6. The outstanding feature of our product is that it can be sparingly used in exteriors to combat the daunting weather conditions. 7. The shelf life of the finished product is 5 to 10 years which sets it apart from its other contemporary products. . 8. Another benefitting feature is the shelf life of the raw material goes uptp 1 year, if kept in airtight cartons or containers or laminated carry begs/ heavy quality carry plastic bags ,whereas normal cement /gypsum is easily withered / ruined , when in contact with water or atmosphere. 9. It is the matchless and ideal substitute for the FOAMING PLASTER/ single coat gypsum or even ready mix for plasters available in market . such as one from JK OR RK which are again a chemical-based products. 10. The end product is lighter in weight as compared to the normal plaster of sand and cement and has improved gripping power. 11. Nails and screws can be easily/dexterously digged in as it surpasses the holding capacity/ fragility of sand and