The invention relates to a process for operating a bilateral electrical brain stimulator device, in closed loop, for the patients affected by neural diseases, suffering from motor deficiencies of Parkinson type or Essential Tremor-type for the purpose of diminishing the symptoms thereof. According to the invention, the process consists in applying a stimulating electrical signal at the level of neural tissue by means of some electrodes (6) implanted in each brain hemisphere (a and b) into a stimulating target location (c), then collecting a brain response signal the stimulating signal and the collected signal are transmitted by means of electrically conductive extension (7) comprising two bipolar channels (7a and 7b) the bipolar channel (7a) transmits the signal collected from the target location (c) to a precise differential amplifier (8), then the result is applied to a filter block (9) used for rejecting a stimulation artefact and bandpass filtering the resulting signal is acquired by a decision digital processor (10) with the role of analyzing, modifying and transmitting the wave shape on the basis of a regulating criterion (11) the resulting signal is applied to a signal generator (12) as an element shaping the characteristics of the emitted signal the wave shape emitted as a result of the generator (12) is the stimulating signal which is transmitted to the target location (c) by means of the bipolar channel (7b) towards the implanted quadrupolar electrodes.Invenţia se referă la un procedeu de funcţionare a unui dispozitiv stimulator electric cerebral, bilateral, în buclă închisă, pentru pacienţii afectaţi de boli neuronale, cu deficienţe motorii de tip Parkinson sau Tremor Esenţial, în scopul diminuării simptomelor acestora. Procedeul conform invenţiei constă în aplicarea unui semnal electric de stimulare la nivelul ţesutului neuronal, prin intermediul unor electrozi (6) implantaţi fiecărei emisfere cerebrale (a şi b) în locaţia ţintă (c) stimulatoare, ap