A process for producing a composition comprising rebaudioside stevia B which, comprising the steps of: providing a sweetener stevia providing a biocatalyst capable of hydrolyzing ester bonds ß-glucosyl stevia sweetener stevia sweetener dissolve and add the biocatalyst to form a reaction mixture incubating the reaction mixture for 12 to 48 hours to at least partially hydrolyze the ester bonds ß-glucosyl stevia sweetener cooling the mixture to 10-30 ° C and adjusting the pH with acid to 3.0-4.0 pH incubating the mixture at low temperature to obtain a precipitate separating the precipitate and washing the precipitate with water and drying the washed precipitate to obtain the composition of stevia further comprising the steps of: suspending the composition stevia in water to form a slurry increasing the temperature of the suspension by a method of heating gradient maintaining the suspension at an elevated temperature lowering the temperature of the suspension by a method of cooling gradient to obtain a solution of a composition of stevia high stability and a high concentration and spray drying the solution of the composition of stevia high stability and a high concentration to provide a composition of very soluble stevia.Un proceso para la producción de una composición de estevia que comprende rebaudiósido B, que comprende las etapas de: proporcionar un edulcorante de estevia proporcionar un biocatalizador capaz de hidrolizar los enlaces éster ß-glucosilo del edulcorante de estevia disolver el edulcorante de estevia y añadir el biocatalizador para formar una mezcla de reacción incubar la mezcla de reacción durante entre 12 y 48 horas hasta hidrolizar al menos parcialmente los enlaces éster ß-glucosilo del edulcorante de estevia enfriar la mezcla hasta 10-30 ºC y ajustar el pH con ácido a un pH de 3,0-4,0 incubar la mezcla a baja temperatura para obtener un precipitado separar el precipitado y lavar el precipitado con agua y secar el precipitado lavado para obtener la co