the object of the invention is applicable to oral administration of lactobacillus casei species bakt u00e9riumt u00f6rzsalkalmaz u00e1sa pathogenic micro organism immune response el u0151 u00e1ll u00edt u00e1s u00e1ra.a ellenispecifikus intended to replace the product in question to the respiratory system valamelyk u00f3ro pathogenic micro organism koz u00f3ja, which may be a virus, rhinovirus, myxov u00edrusokvalamelyike rs viruses.the preparation of food or food supplements, especially in fermented dairy products like yogurt. ohDet beskrives anvendelse dcv Lactobacillus casei i et preparat for oral administrasjon for å forsterke en immunitet spesifikk for patogene mikroorganismer. Nevnte preparat kan spesielt være mat eller et mat-tilskudd.