The operation instrument which is used for the release of system of internal. The aforementioned operation instrument has with the proximal edge and the handle which has the distal end and the tube which it is joint to the distal end. In order that the aforementioned operation instrument sleeve engages possibly in the tube, disconnects system furthermore it has the blade component which is moved according to the length of the tube. Furthermore, the aforementioned operation instrument the installation and others re has the dissection component for the blade component. The dissection component has the hood section and the capture section. While the hood section being jointed by the blade component, in order the capture section which is located on distance side, to make the system around displace, function doing, capturing the organization of specification, it brings the blade component to actuated position in order to disconnect the system which it captures. Using the operation instrument kit, and the operation instrument which include the operation instrument of the multiple modular, also manner in order to disconnect system is disclosed.体内の組織の解放に使用される手術器具。前記手術器具は、近位端及び遠位端を備えるハンドルと、遠位端に接続している管とを有する。前記手術器具は、管に摺動可能に係合し、組織を切断すべく管の長さに沿って移動するブレード部材を更に備える。更に、前記手術器具は、ブレード部材に取り付けられた解剖部材を備える。解剖部材は、フード部及び捕捉部を有する。フード部がブレード部材に接続され、遠位側に位置する捕捉部が、周囲の組織を変位させるように機能しつつ、特定の組織構造を捕捉して、捕捉した組織を切断するための作動位置にブレード部材をもたらす。複数のモジュール式の手術器具を含む手術器具キット、及び、手術器具を使用して組織を切断するための方法も、開示される。