FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions refers to medicine and can be used for hydraulic coupling of two membrane-sealed cavities. A coupling device comprises two elements, which are configured sliding in relation to each other along an axis between the first and second position. The first element comprises a two-pointed hollow adapter needle parallel to the above axis so that the membrane of the first of the two cavities is pierced with one needle point when the above first cavity is inserted into a socket of the first element. The second element comprises a detachable coupling to the second of the two cavities; the other needle point does not contact the membrane of the second cavity connected to the second element when the elements are found in the first position, thereby making a hydraulic coupling between the two cavities. The first element comprises a detachable coupling to the second cavity coupled with the second element. The coupling of the first element can be coupled with the second cavity when the two elements are found in the second position, and cannot be coupled with the second cavity when the two elements are found in the first position. The group of inventions also refers to the membrane-sealed cavity comprising the above coupling device, a kit for hydraulic coupling of the cavities and a method for fluid movement between the two cavities.EFFECT: group of inventions enables the simple and safe hydraulic coupling of the two membrane-sealed cavities, including by untrained users.19 cl, 7 dwgГруппа изобретений относится к области медицины и может быть использована для гидравлического соединения двух уплотненных мембраной емкостей. Соединительное устройство содержит два элемента, которые выполнены с возможностью скользящего смещения относительно друг друга вдоль оси между первым и вторым положением. Первый элемент содержит полую переходную иглу с двумя заостренными концами, расположенную параллельно указанной оси таким образом, что мембрана пер