The invention relates to a technical equipment for maintaining fruit tree farms while increasing the fruit growth efficiency by performing the ploughing operation in a single pass, on a strip, at a preset distance from the tree trunks, in order to maintain a loose soil surface and to cut the roots at the preset distance, for a moderate sprout growth. According to the invention, the equipment consists of a metal framework () having a central A-frame () for coupling, by means of some bolts () to a three-point suspension mechanism of a wheeled tractor, and, on the right side, a plate () wherein some holes () are made for fixing a plough body () by some screws () to perform the ploughing operation, while, on the left side of the framework () there is a support () consisting of two vertical plates () and a horizontal plate () in which some holes () are made for it to be mounted above the framework () with the possibility of moving to any position, depending on the distance () between an axle () and an active member (), a screw () being articulated to the top part of the support () and acting in an articulation () mounted at the top end of a guide () which is provided at the bottom with a slide bearing () having some plates () in which some holes () are cut, in connection, by means of some screws (), with a plate () in which some elongated holes () are cut for adjusting and locking on the cutting direction, in the vertical plane, with the angle (), with a view to reducing the drag of the active element () when entering the soil.Invenţia se referă la un echipament tehnic, destinat întreţinerii plantaţiilor pomicole pentru creştere eficienţei fructificării, prin efectuarea, la o singură trecere, a lucrării de arat, pe o fâşie, la o distanţă prestabilită de la trunchi, pentru menţinerea unui sol afânat la suprafaţă, şi tăiere de rădăcină la distanţa prestabilită, pentru moderarea creşterii de lăstari. Echipamentul conform invenţiei este format dintr-un cadru () metalic ce ar