The Xue Tang Apparatus Installed of Yi Seed With row Move Electricity Installed Zhi Knot conjunctions are set, row Move Electricity Installed are equipped with a Ge Er Machine Wheat Ke Wind sockets, the effect of general Er Machine Wheat Ke Wind sockets is that the sound Music or Sound sound Pass that row Move Electricity Installed are set is sent to Er Machine, Sound sounds are sent to row Move Electricity Installed and set Inner by external sound Music or Sound Yin Tou Over Wheat Ke Wind, the letter No. that Er Machine Wheat Ke Wind socket Er Machine Lose go out Single members is set using row Move Electricity Installed, the control letter No. of As Xue Tang Measuring Try Single members is He the Pass of Capital material is sent, Er Machine Wheat Ke Wind sockets are set using row Move Electricity Installed, being As Xue Tang Apparatus Installed Zhi Capital material Pass send and believes the Ditch of No. logical, as long as Xue Tang Apparatus are by a Ge Jane Single Er Machine Wheat Ke Wind sockets, it can send and control with the row Move Electricity Installed Zhi be Capital Pass expected.一種與行動電子裝置結合之血糖儀裝置,行動電子裝置有一個耳機麥克風插座,一般耳機麥克風插座的作用是把行動電子裝置的音樂或聲音傳送到耳機,外部的音樂或聲音透過麥克風把聲音送到行動電子裝置內,利用行動電子裝置的耳機麥克風插座之耳機輸出單元的信號,做為血糖測試單元的控制信號和資料的傳送,利用行動電子裝置上的耳機麥克風插座,做為血糖儀裝置的資料傳送和信號的溝通,血糖儀只要藉由一個簡單的耳機麥克風插座,就可以和行動電子裝置做資料的傳送和控制。