A method for overcoming mild to moderate immune suppression includes the stepsof inducing production of naïve T-cells and restoring T-cell immunity. Amethod of vaccine immunotherapy includes the steps of inducing production ofnaïve T-cells and exposing the naïve T-cells to endogenous or exogenousantigens at an appropriate site. Additionally, a method for unblockingimmunization at a regional lymph node includes the steps of promotingdifferentiation and maturation of immature dendritic cells at a regional lymphnode and allowing presentation of processed peptides by resulting maturedendritic cells, thus, for example, exposing tumor peptides to T-cells to gainimmunization of the T-cells. Further, a method of treating cancer and otherpersistent lesions includes the steps of administering an effective amount ofa natural cytokine mixture as an adjuvant to endogenous or exogenousadministered antigen to the cancer or other persistent lesions.