This invention is using low power laser beam to stimulate biological activity of traditional Chinese acupuncture. In traditional Chinese medicine ,the acupuncture needles are solid metal needles. The practitioners use twisting, pulling and rowing of the needle to carry out the acupuncture point stimulation. In addition, the warm moxibustion with mugwort column or electricity stimulation with diathermometer are also used. Myofascial Pain Syndrome is defined as a pain syndrome in modern medicine characterized by regional pain accompanied with trigger points. Concepts behind trigger points are similar to Ashi Acupuncture point. Treatment method include: A. use of instruments for applying heat, ultrasound, electricity B. Trigger point treatment: practitioners use finger, thumb, knuckle or elbow to gradually and continuously apply pressure. Also invasive treatments like dry needle and injections. The photo stimulation therapy can produce a variety of effects, including: 1. To stimulate the proliferation of new blood vessels improve microcirculation. 2. To increase the role performed phage. 3. To stimulate and active ATP production. 4. To enhance regenerative cells. 5. To increase activity of the lymphatic system. 6. To active fibroblasts and increase collagen formation. 7. To increase the DNA and RNA production. 8. To reduce the excitability of nerve tissue and induce muscle relaxation. The present invention is a combination of mechanical stimulation of traditional acupuncture and photo stimulation of biological activity. The Laser beam of the present invention is directly fed into the acupuncture points via optical needle by the special structure of collagen tissue of ligament to diffuse the light of specific wavelength. Combination of direct stimulation of acupuncture points and surrounding tissue strengthens the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment.本發明使用光刺激生物活性結合中醫傳統之針灸針。傳統的中醫用針灸針,為實心金屬材質針,由中醫師實施針法,使用捻針與提拉進行中醫穴位刺激,外加使用艾草柱進行溫灸或是電療機使用電刺激。肌筋膜痛症候群(Myofascial Pain Syndro