The present invention provides a multi-layered coextruded thermoplasticfood casing comprising: at least one thermoplastic porous absorbing layer;and at least one layer having a barrier effect for water vapor and/or oxygen,wherein the at least one layer having a barrier effect for water vapor and/oroxygen has an average layer thickness in a range of from 5 to 60 µm overthe entire surface area, wherein the at least one thermoplastic porousabsorbing layer comprises as a main component at least one thermoplasticpolymer material selected from the group consisting of (co)polyamides and(co)polyolefins, wherein the at least one thermoplastic porous absorbinglayer comprises areas having a reduced average layer thickness and areashaving a non-reduced average layer thickness, wherein the average layerthickness of the at least one thermoplastic porous absorbing layer in areashaving a non-reduced average layer thickness is in a range of from 10 to 200pm, wherein the average layer thickness in areas having a reduced averagelayer thickness is lower by 7 to 140 µm and is reduced by a range of from30 to 85% compared to the areas having a non-reduced average layerthickness of the at least one thermoplastic porous absorbing layer, andwherein both areas having a reduced average layer thickness and a non-reducedaverage layer thickness comprise pores which are able to absorb afunctional additive.