< Topic >Although it can acquire clean burning color to the dumpling other foods, at the same time, the mixture of the foreign material to the food it prevents, being ideal, furthermore, it offers the food calcination machine which it makes possible that reduction of maintenance frequency is assured. SolutionsAs for the food calcination machine, burning section 2 in order to bake the dumpling W other foods and the aforementioned food burns and in order to pass section 2, the conveying section 3 which conveys the particular food and, has. As it burns conveying section 3 and, in gear it applies 4 of the pair which is located on front and back of section 2 and 5 and turning the belt it is installed on 6 which is installed and belt 6 and the multiple heat storage boards 7 which are moved with the said belt 6 as one unit and multiple heat storage boards it bets on the surface full circuit of the food conveying belt 8 which consists of 7 and belt 6 and turns and installation and removal is installed unrestrictedly, heatproof sheet belt 9 of the fluorocarbon resin material where the aforementioned food is placed and, having, it is constituted. < Choice figure >Drawing 3【課題】団子その他の食品に綺麗な焼き色を付けることができ、かつ、食品への異物の混入を防止するのに好適で、更に、メンテナンス回数の削減を図ることも可能とした食品焼成機を提供する。【解決手段】食品焼成機は、団子Wその他の食品を焼くための焼き部2と、前記食品が焼き部2を通過するように当該食品を搬送する搬送部3と、を備える。搬送部3は、焼き部2の前後に位置する一対のギヤ4、5に掛け回して装着されたチェーン6と、チェーン6上に取り付けられて該チェーン6と一体に移動する複数の蓄熱板7と、複数の蓄熱板7とチェーン6からなる食品搬送ベルト8の表面全周に掛け回して着脱自在に装着されるとともに、前記食品が置かれるフッ素樹脂系素材の耐熱シートベルト9と、を備えて構成される。【選択図】図3