To suppress so-called aged deterioration such as occurrence of deteriorated odor, change in liquid color, occurrence of sedimentation and sedimentation at the time of preservation, maintain good flavor and taste, and reduce energy cost in the manufacturing process And a method for producing the liquid food and beverage.A method for producing a liquid food or drink obtained by diluting a raw material liquid with a diluent having a viscosity lower than that of the raw material liquid, characterized in that the diluted liquid is mixed with the raw material liquid Heating the raw material liquid to a higher temperature than the raw material liquid heating the raw material liquid by the thermal convection of the swirling flow by swirling the diluent in the raw material liquid to generate a swirling flow A primary heating / diluting step of diluting the raw material liquid, and a secondary heating / sterilizing step of heating and sterilizing a mixed liquid of the raw material liquid and the diluting liquid by heat of conduction after the primary heating / diluting step.Selection drawing None【課題】保存時における、劣化臭の発生、液色変化、沈澱や澱の発生等の、所謂経時劣化を抑制し、良好な香味や呈味を保持しうると共に、製造工程におけるエネルギーコストも低減しうる液状飲食品及びその製造方法を提供する。【解決手段】原料液を、前記原料液よりも粘性率が低い希釈液で希釈することで得られる液状飲食品の製造方法であって、前記希釈液を、前記原料液との混合前に前記原料液よりも高温に加熱する希釈液加熱工程と、前記希釈液を前記原料液内で旋回させて旋回流を発生させることにより、前記原料液を前記旋回流の熱対流で加熱しつつ、前記原料液を希釈する一次加熱・希釈工程と、前記一次加熱・希釈工程の後に、前記原料液と希釈液との混合液を伝導熱によって加熱殺菌する二次加熱・殺菌工程とを備える。【選択図】なし