anionic and adhesive armored organic mass associated with micronized biochar, obtaining process, obtained products and their applications. The present invention describes a composition in the form of a kit consisting of anionic, fluid, viscous or pasty anionic shielded organic mass (kmo); associated with micronized biochar (bm) powder; The process is obtained in two distinct beneficiation phases, in which the micronized biochar (bm), phase i and the anionic shielded organic mass (kmo), phase ii are produced. The aim of the invention is to reduce the leaching, percolation, volatilization and fixation losses of nutrients present in granular mineral fertilizers, which is common in highly weathered soils, with low water and nutrient retention capacity, as well as allowing a practical and efficient, the homogeneous inclusion of micronutrients in the granules of these fertilizers, adding to them better agronomic efficiency, with conditioning effect and dust suppression, and can also be used in seed coating. The described products are highly adhesive, stable in pH between 5.2 and 5.5, and consist of 55% organic matter, 29% carbon of low degradability and high reactivity, besides presenting in their macro and micronutrients composition. organic carbon, organic acids and amino acids. alternatively, the products may be added with micronutrients; biostimulants; microorganisms and / or hormones, according to their application.massa orgânica blindada aniônica e adesiva associada a biochar micronizado, processo de obtenção, produtos obtidos e suas aplicações. a presente invenção descreve uma composição apresentada na forma de um kit, constituído de massa orgânica blindada aniônica (kmo), fluída, viscosa ou pastosa; associada a biochar micronizado (bm), em pó; cujo processo de obtenção se dá em duas fases de beneficiamento distintas, nas quais são produzidos o biochar micronizado (bm), fase i e a massa orgânica blindada aniônica (kmo), fase ii. a invenção tem por objetivo reduzir