The present invention relates to a cosmetic method for the treatment and / or prevention of signs of skin aging in an individual, comprising the steps of: a) Sampling and genotyping of an individual's DNA, to identify the genetic polymorphisms listed in the Table 1; b) Assigning a score to each of the aforementioned genetic polymorphisms; c) Classification of the genotype of the patient in categories related to the metabolic effects that the said genotype has on the aging process, called categories chosen among: skin, nutrition, fitness, sport, stress / sleep, sexual health / fertility, hormones, vitality, longevity, immune system, detoxification, hair loss; d) Assessment of the individual's lifestyle by monitoring parameters chosen in the group consisting of: nutrition, exercise, sun exposure, stress, hours of sleep, climate of the place of residence, life in the city, use of nutraceuticals, use of cosmetics; e) Assigning a score to each of the lifestyle parameters referred to in point c); f) Construction of a transversal index of MYiDDNA genetic sensitivity, through the use of a genotype / phenotype / lifestyle / environment algorithm that relates the score determined in point c) to the patient's genotype, with the score determined at point e) for the patient's lifestyle and weighs it in relation to the same; g) Construction of a personalized DNA Age biological index by processing the MYiDDNA custom genetic sensitivity index and an age predictor algorithm; h) Assignment to the individual of a personalized program for the treatment and / or prevention of signs of skin aging in the individual, in which the choice and quantity of substances are determined on the basis of the DNA Age index obtained at point f ) and on the basis of the relationship between said DNA Age index and an index of epigenetic expression.La presente invenzione ha per oggetto un metodo cosmetico per il trattamento e/o la prevenzione dei segni dell’invecchiamento cutaneo in un individuo, comprend