This invention belongs to the field of individual conversion medical care which is improved. Compared to accurately, as for this invention, in the patient who remedies the decisive algorithm which is stated on the basis of with the 5-FU blood plasma concentration which was measured during the continual injecting of previous 5-FU and in this bill, by the FOLFIRI register noodle or the similar register noodle it regards the manner in order to optimize the dosage of 5-FU which is prescribed by continual injection progressively. In addition as for this invention, it regards also the manner in order is optimized making use of the decisive algorithm the 5-FU dosage which is prescribed with continual injection in each FOLFIRI or similar remedy cycle due to this invention, to remedy the cancer patient.本発明は、改善された個別化医療の分野に属する。より正確には、本発明は、前回の5-FUの連続注入中に測定された5-FU血漿濃度と本明細書において記載される決定アルゴリズムとに基づいて、FOLFIRIレジメンまたは類似のレジメンによって治療される患者において連続注入によって投与される5-FUの用量を漸進的に最適化するための方法に関する。本発明はまた、各FOLFIRIまたは類似の治療サイクルにおいて連続注入で投与された5-FU用量が本発明による決定アルゴリズムを用いて最適化される、癌患者を治療するための方法にも関する。