One Seed is set with the From Installed that remove that removes ?row Move inconvenience persons, and packet includes a Pads Body and a fixing piece, the structure of The Pads Body As Scratch, and with the first faces one of phase Right Should and one second face, the first faces The are lain Lying with for row Move inconvenience personsThe Gu Ding the first faces Jian Department Gu Let whats The, to fixed row Move inconvenience person Shen Body. Thereby Disaster Difficult Hair are raw and Xu Che From row Move inconvenience person Time Jiu Difficult Ren STAFF can the first face And of Will row Move inconvenience person Zhi Yu Pads Body The Pads Body can be grabbed directly with the fixed Jiu Difficult Ren STAFF of The fixing piece Will row Move inconvenience person Shen Body tow Tong Time Tou Over Pads Body cladding Bao Nursing rows Move inconvenience persons, and Gu safety Strip parts under, the rapidly Games institutes of Will rows Move inconvenience person Che From Wei Insurance.一種用於搬運行動不便者之撤離裝置,包括一墊體以及一固定件,該墊體為可撓性之結構,其具有相對應之一第一面以及一第二面,該第一面用以供行動不便者躺臥;該固定件係固設於該第一面,用以固定行動不便者之身體。藉此,在災難發生而需撤離行動不便者時,救難人員可將行動不便者置於墊體之第一面,並以該固定件將行動不便者之身體固定,救難人員可直接以抓取該墊體拖行,同時透過墊體包覆保護行動不便者,在兼顧安全性之條件下,快速地將行動不便者撤離危險之場所。