It provides a safety needle assembly to protect the needle tip, provide a needle assembly of safety type having a curved portion of the added puncture prevention mechanism erroneous Furthermore, The invention relates to a Huber needle set of safety type, especially providing a three-dimensional, it is an object of prevention of accidents Spined. A hub holding the needle tip is formed SOLUTION: A tip, a proximal end of the needle, and a needle assembly having a distal protection unit, to regulate the distance between the hub and the needle When provided with a restriction, tip protection section has a mechanism that the needle tip is bent, the tip protective part is moved to the protective position the tip of the needle, the tip protective needle point is bent by the mechanism By the needle tip is housed inside the section, the needle assembly is characterized in that the tip of the needle is protected. [Selection] Figure Figure 1【課題】 本発明は、針先を保護する安全針組立体と提供し、さらには誤穿刺防止機構の付加した湾曲部を有する安全タイプの針組立体を提供し、特に安全タイプのフーバー針組立体を提供し、針刺事故の防止を目的とする。【解決手段】 先端に刃先が形成された針と、該針の基端部を保持するハブと、先端保護部を備えた針組立体であって、該針と該ハブとの距離を規制する制限部を備え、該先端保護部が、針先が撓む機構を有し、該先端保護部が該針の先端を保護位置に移動した際に、前記機構により針先が撓んで該先端保護部の内側に針先が収納されることにより、該針の先端が保護されることを特徴とする針組立体。【選択図】 図1