A needle assembly 1 includes a hub 4 retaining a cannula3, a protective unit 5 advancing and retracting to surroundthe forward end of the cannula 3, and a cylindrical portion6 surrounding the outer periphery of the protective unit 5;the protective unit 5 has a construction in which a protectivecover 7 protruding from and retracting into the cylindricalportion 6 is formed integrally with a spring portion 8 so asto be in series therewith, with the hub 4 and the cylindricalportion 6 being coupled together to form a hub member.Further, the protective cover 7 is provided with anengagement protrusion 24, and the hub member is provided witha guide means G; when the protective cover 7 is retracted froma pre-use state (Fig. 4(a)) in which it is situated at anadvanced position, the engagement protrusion 24 movesbackwards while rotating and in contact with an inclinedsurface 14a (Fig. 4(b)); when the protective cover 7 advancesfrom a use state (Fig. 4(c)) in which it is situated at aretracted position, the engagement protrusion 24 movesforwards to be fixed to a post-use retaining portion B to bethereby prevented from retracting.The needle assembly can be produced at low cost and usedsafely.