The device relates to mechatronic systems and robot engineering field. It is designed for robot-type robot manipulators with an increased number of degrees of freedom. The present invention simplifies the design of robot-type robot manipulators, simplifies and reduces the production of the manipulation mechanism and extends the functionality, increases the number of possible realizations of the configurations. The operation is based on the supply of three-phase air or fluid pressure to a 3-chamber elastic tube, the outer surface of which is coated with electrodes and is inside the other elastic tube with an earthed electrode on its inner surface. The gap between the electrodes (gap size ? = 0.1 ... 0.2mm) is filled with an electroreal suspension, and the number of degrees of robot gravity depends on the number of electrodes. The robotic motion parameters are controlled by changing the electro-logical suspension viscosity by switching off the voltage from the specific electrodes, and depending on the duration of the switch-off and the phase-off voltage of the pressure pipe, the gravity motion trajectory and the angled spatial angle are dependent. Air or fluid pressure is generated at the variable pressure source: p1 (t) = P0 + P cos ?t p2 (t) = P0 + P cos (?t + 120o) p3 (t) = P0 + P cos (?t + 240o), with the difference of each 120o phase between their pressures, determine the parameters of the trapped motion trajectory.Įrenginys priklauso mechatroninių sistemų ir roboto technikos sritims ir skirtas straublio tipo robotų manipuliatoriams, turintiems padidintą laisvumo laipsnių skaičių ir įgalinantiems griebtą pasiekti sunkiai prieinamas vietas. Pateikiamas išradimas suprastina straublio tipo robotų manipuliatorių konstrukcijas, supaprastina ir atpigina manipuliavimo mechanizmo gamybą ir išplečia funkcines galimybes, padidina galimų realizuoti griebto konfigūracijų skaičių. Veikimas pagrįstas trijų fazių oro ar skysčio slėgio padavimu į 3-jų kamerų elastinį vamzdį, kur