Лобко Владимир Павлович (RU),Моргунов Сергей Николаевич (RU)
A method of transporting and storage of plant products in a hermetically closed or sealed container by treatment with an ozone mixture, which consists in that the mixture has an ozone concentration of ozone 25-35 mg / IPRM exposure 2.85-3.15 hours at a temperature range 12-16 ° C and a relative humidity of 40-60%, while for brief transportation or storage for a short (1 month) potatoes treated once for the entire period of storage carrots - 1 time per month onion - once for the entire period of storage cabbage - 1 times per month, apples - 2 times a week, grapes - 1 weekly for medium transportation or for medium storage (3 months) Potatoes treated 2 times per week, carrots - 1 times per month, onions - 1 once a week, cabbage - 2 times a week apples - 2 times a week Grapes - 1 time per week for continuous transportation or long-term storage (up to 6-8 months) Potatoes treated 2 times per week, carrots - 2 times per month bow - 1 times per month, cabbage - 2 times a month, characterized in that the space above the container or to 90-99% of the volume is filled with products, and after treatment with the above products ozone mixture in a closed room or a closed container with products is supplied helium gas, while providing an overpressure in the room or container in the range of from 1.2 · 10 Pa to 1.5, and during transportation or storage of products through the gaseous environment room with food or food packaging with an electric current and visually monitor the color candles I, at the same point color change from bright yellow to green, which is identified as a decrease in the concentrationСпособ транспортировки и хранения растительных продуктов в герметично закрытых помещениях или закрытой таре путем обработки их озоновоздушной смесью, заключающийся в том, что озоновоздушная смесь имеет концентрацию озона 25-35 мг/м3 при экспозиции 2,85-3,15 ч при температурном режиме 12-16°С и относительной влажности 40-60%, при этом для непродолжительной транспортировки или для