(57)< Abstract > In plant between the we have possessed bell-shaped form, the surface (1) and the overcoat surface the base (2) and outside the overcoat surface (4) and inside the hollow circular cylinder wall which it has (5) (3) and the central hollow circular cylinder axis (6) it has possessed. When this in plant at least just 95 volume percentages, does with the x-ray permeable material which possesses the modulus of elasticity of 20GPa from 1, makes the observation after the operating which is due to x-ray emission possible, simultaneously, high organism compatibility is had.椎間インプラントは中空円筒状の形態を有しており、上面(1)と、底面(2)と、外側の外套面(4)および内側の外套面(5)を備える中空円筒壁(3)と、中心の中空円筒軸(6)とを有している。このインプラントは、少なくとも95体積百分率だけ、1から20GPaの弾性率を有するX線透過性材料でできており、X線放射による手術後の観察を可能にすると同時に、高い生体適合性を備えている。