Кузнецов Геннадий Яковлевич (RU),Евдокимов Андрей Борисович (RU),Талаш Анна Ивановна (RU),Репа Алексей Васильевич (RU),Юшков Александр Николаевич (RU),Махницкая Инна Эдуардовна (RU),Колмыков Артем Евг
The invention relates to agricultural machinery, and can be used in agriculture for soil surface treatment. Two-row disc harrow mounted contains L-shaped rack with springs which have been fixed to the bottom of the concave discs. At the top of T-shaped strut on the horizontal section fixed by pressure plates with a predetermined angle of attack to the cross beam of the frame. At the bottom of the rack are arranged at an angle of 65 ... 75 ° to the vertical, with the spherical disks with hubs rigidly attached at its end, the vertical nodes pivot axis of the cutting cross the concave surface of the disc at the bottom that allows to eliminate the flaws when the angle of attack of disks, improving the quality of soil treatment. Such constructive solutions will improve the quality of the soil, the reliability of performance of the process, to reduce the driving force due to drive oscillations in a vertical plane to eliminate flaws, the L-shaped spring strut works not only as a spring but also as a torsion bar. When the surface treatment of low-volume crops such as between rows of perennial plantings, you can use advanced commercially available disc harrows double-row outboard that having straight vertical racks, allow to deploy wheels 180 °, and a mirror to change the position of the bulging disc to the right, to the left, shifting the ground in different directions. Such a shift in the processing between rows of perennial plants is necessary because the process hilling and razokuchivaniya young perennial plants needs.Полезная модель относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению, и может быть использовано в сельском хозяйстве для поверхностной обработки почвы. Борона дисковая двухрядная навесная содержит Г-образные рессорные стойки, жестко закрепленные в нижней части к сферическому диску. Вверху Г-образная стойка на горизонтальном участке фиксируется прижатием плитами с заданным углом атаки, к поперечным брусьям рамы. В нижней части стойки расположены под углом 65…75°