As for the freezing remedy element, by the fact that it repeats with freezing and thawing by the fact that necrosis it can point the affected part, it is the element which does affected part remedy. The affected part which freezes becomes freezing state, but as for this supervision MRI and the x-ray CT device are used. But, compared to simply, it is desired that securely and accurately freezing state is detected. The freezing remedy child, cylinder 1 of the metal make and, consists of with the freezing terminal 3 which it makes pass inside that. Affected part freezing is done by the fact that the freezing gas is let flow to freezing terminal 3, affected part freezing is thawed by the fact that the thawing gas is let flow. Ultrasonic oscillator 4 installation and removal is installed unrestrictedly on the circumferential peripheral aspect of cylinder 1. From ultrasonic oscillator 4, the ultra wave is made to discharge, the reflected wave from boundary of the freezing region and normality organization of the affected part is received. It does this sending and receiving, with sending and receiving section 5. It houses with the time and amplitude of the reflected wave signal which is received in sending and receiving section 5 in memory 22. Processing section 23, from this data, calculates the envelope area of amplitude, calculates freezing size from now on.凍結治療素子は、凍結と解凍とを繰り返すことで患部を壊死させることで、患部治療を行う素子である。凍結した患部は、氷結状態となるが、これの監視はMRIやX線CT装置を使用する。しかし、より簡便に、確実、正確に氷結状態を検出することが望まれる。凍結治療子は、金属製の円筒1と、その内部に挿通させる凍結端子3とより成る。凍結端子3に凍結ガスを流すことで患部凍結を行い、解凍ガスを流すことで患部凍結を解凍する。円筒1の円周外周面に超音波振動子4を着脱自在に取り付ける。超音波振動子4から、超音波を放出させ、患部の氷結部位と正常組織との境界からの反射波を受信する。この送受信は、送受信部5によって行う。送受信部5で受信した反射波信号の時刻と振幅とをメモリ22に格納する。処理部23は、このデータから、振幅の包絡線面積を求め、これから氷結サイズを算出する。