An elbow restraint device includes an upper arm fixing unit, a forearm fixing unit and a connecting unit.The upper arm fixing unit is horizontally extended and can be fixed on the upper arm of the user by a ring sleeve.The forearm fixing unit is horizontally extended and can be fixedly fixed on the forearm of the user.The connecting unit is connected between the upper arm fixing unit and the forearm fixing unit, and comprises a connecting piece of soft material, at least one rigid restraining member arranged in the connecting piece, and a binding belt which can be fixed on the handrail, the restraining member is longitudinally extended to limit the elbow bending angle of the user.The above-mentioned structural design constrains the movement of the elbow, but does not restrict the movement of the palm to restrict the movement of the patient's hand. At the same time, it is convenient for medical staff to test the blood oxygen by their fingers.一種手肘約束裝置,包含一上臂固定單元、一前臂固定單元,及一連接單元。該上臂固定單元是呈橫向延伸且能環套固定於該使用者的上臂。該前臂固定單元是呈橫向延伸且能環套固定於該使用者的前臂。該連接單元是連接於該上臂固定單元與該前臂固定單元之間,並包括一柔軟材質的連接片、至少一設置於該連接片內且呈硬質的約束件,及一能綁固於該欄杆上的綁帶,該約束件是呈縱向延伸,用以限制該使用者之手肘彎曲角度。藉由前述結構設計約束手肘的動作,但不限制手掌動作來約束病患手部行動,同時也方便醫護人員能由指頭進行血氧的測試。