Disclosed is a method for solving the problem of strange configuration of an exoskeleton robot shoulder joint. Firstly, the motion intention of a limb is detected by way of additionally arranging an elbow sleeve and a force sensor at an elbow joint, an exoskeleton humerus rear section member is composed of a rod and an annular bearing inner ring, an elbow sleeve concentric with the bearing inner ring is additionally arranged on an inner wall of the bearing inner ring, and four pressure sensors are installed between the annular bearing and the elbow sleeve at equal intervals for detecting positive pressure from any direction the sensors measure two sets of orthogonal component force values so as to solve the magnitude and the direction of a resultant force vector f a drive electric motor A controls an exoskeleton shoulder joint L-shaped rocker arm to drive an exoskeleton humerus front section to rotate to the position perpendicular to the direction of force f, meanwhile an electric motor C and the electric motor A rotate synchronously in opposite directions so that the posture of an exoskeleton humerus rear section remains unchanged and as an electric motor B drives the exoskeleton humerus front section to rotate, the axis of the electric motor C does not coincide with the axis of the electric motor A, and the shoulder joint is not in a strange configuration.La présente invention concerne un procédé destiné à résoudre le problème de configuration étrange dune articulation dépaule dun robot dexosquelette. Tout dabord, lintention de mouvement dun membre est détectée au moyen dun agencement supplémentaire dun manchon de coude et dun capteur de force au niveau dune articulation du coude, un élément de section arrière dhumérus dexosquelette est composé dune tige et dun anneau interne de palier annulaire, un manchon de coude concentrique à lanneau interne de palier est en outre disposé sur une paroi interne de lanneau interne de palier, et quatre capteurs de pression sont