The present invention relates to a surgical suture of a natural material is made of a linear bacterial cellulose fiber, and to a process for the preparation of the said suture comprises the steps of crimping and setting, freezing, drying and knitting the fiber to form a suture with flexibility, elasticity and higher strength.本發明關於一種天然材質之手術縫線,其由線狀細菌纖維構成;及關於一種製造該手術縫線之方法,其步驟特徵在於利用模具培養醋酸菌,使其在模具中發酵生合成產生線狀細菌纖維後,再經過捲曲定型、凍乾及加捻步驟,以形成具有柔軟、彈性及強度特性的手術縫線。