1. A method of manufacturing an individual patient to the body (3) of the bracket to the bracket (1) of modular design with a base (3) and the body (7) of the bracket, which includes the following steps: a) providing a preform (9) of the bracket body portion remote (9d), b) determining the first parameter for the separation distance portion (9d), for the distance from arising remote site sectional surface (9d) of the groove (11) to determine the appropriate body height (7) of the bracket, c) determining a second parameter for separation distance portion (9d), for coal and cutting a mesial-distal axis to determine an appropriate value of the body inclination (7) of the bracket, g) determining the third parameter for the separation distance portion (9d), for the angle of cut to the occlusal-gingival axis, to determine the appropriate value of the body of rotation (7) bracket, d) the separation distance portion (9d) defined according to three parameters, whereby the produced body (7) breketa.2. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the body (9) of the bracket provided in step a) by injection molding technology (MIM) or selective laser melting and / or is made of a biocompatible metal or a biocompatible alloy, particularly titanium, gold, silver , stainless steel or cobalt alloy and hroma.3. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the separation in step d) takes place via pily.4. Method according to one of p.p.1-3, characterized in that the determination of the parameters in steps b) to d) occur individually for patsienta.5. Method according to one of p.p.1-3, characterized in that the parameters in steps b) -d), respectively, can vary in a predetermined interval with a predetermined1. Способ изготовления индивидуального для пациента тела (3) брекета для брекета (1) модульной конструкции с основанием (3) и телом (7) брекета, который включает в себя следующие шаги:а) обеспечение заготовки (9) тела брекета с дистанционным участком (9d),б) опред