The utility model disdoses the process of producing Seaweed "Guso" (Eucheuma spinusom) Crackling in four flavors comprising the steps of: Cutting "Guso" into 4" long using, a kitchen scissor; washing "Guso" with fresh water and draining; spreading cut "Guso" in a drying tray and sun drying; sprinkling water when the "Guso" is half dried to remove the sea water odor; repeat sprinkling water until the "Guso" is totally bleached; drying the bleached "Guso" until its color tum to white; keeping the dried seaweed in a close container ready for the crackling processing; soaking com grits in water over night; rinsing well and discarding the water; soaking dried Eucheuma spinusom overnight; draining water from soaked dried Guso; chopping Guso and garlic finely to facilitate grinding; mixing chopped Guso and garlic to soaked corn grits; adding the flavoring ingredients distinct for each flavor; grinding simultaneously Guso, garlic and corn grits; adding salt and stirring well to produce homogeneous mixture; transferring about 3-4 Tbsp. of the mixture into a molder; steaming for 2 minutes until the mixture is clear or transparent; cutting steamed mixture into desired sizes and loosening the steamed mixture from the molder; laying down the cut steamed mixture on drying tray and dry under the heat of the sun; deep fat frying; draining thoroughly fried crackling in a colander lined with tissue paper.