Attendant upon aging, it is superior in the improvement effect of the wrinkle which is generated in the especially exposure region it offers the skin external use medicine and the wrinkle improvement medicine whose at the same time security is high. General expression the skin external use medicine and the wrinkle improvement medicine which contain the alkyl thio glycoside which is displayed with (1). G SR (1)(In formula, G to show sugar, R carbon count to show alkyl group 10 - 18, as for the join with G and SR basis, it is glycoside join.)老化に伴い、特に露光部位に発生するシワの改善効果に優れ、かつ安全性の高い皮膚外用剤及びシワ改善剤を提供する。一般式(1)で表されるアルキルチオグリコシドを含有する皮膚外用剤及びシワ改善剤。G-SR1 (1)(式中、Gは糖を示し、R1は炭素数10~18のアルキル基を示し、GとSR1基との結合は、β-グリコシド結合である。)