An adjustable fixationclamp having first and second clampassemblies positioned about a shaft. Theclamp assemblies may each have a pairof vise plates. Each pair of vise platesmay define at least two receiving portionsand insertion portions intersecting thereceiving portions. The receiving portionsof one clamp assembly may receive atleast two fixation components such asscrews, pins or wires. The receivingportions of the other clamp assembly mayreceive at least one connector such as arod, bar and/or ring. A biasing structuremay be positioned between the first andsecond clamp assemblies and may allowfor the fixation components to be snappedinto the receiving portions through theinsertion portions. Two or more adjustablefixation clamps may be used to form anexternal fixation system. At least twoscrews, pins or wires may be inserted intobone and one of the clamp assemblies maybe attached thereto. A guide may be usedfor insertion of screws, pins or wires intobone. The other clamp assembly may beconnected to a rod, bar or ring. Thereafter,the clamp assemblies may be orientedrelative to each other and locked in place.