Yi Seed too Yang Neng Negative From Productivity give birth to device, and comprising the raw devices of Yi Negative From Productivity, the Negative From Productivity Sheng Qi Let have exposed Negative From Hair to penetrate endOne connects the raw devices of the Negative From Productivity to absorb the too Yang energy Electricity pond The Even of external luminous energy to provide Electricity power needed for Negative From Hair penetrate endFrom and Xing Cheng mono- Seed are not given birth to device by meeting Line and insert Electricity and limit Negative From Productivity.一種太陽能負離子產生器,包含一負離子產生器,所述負離子產生器設有外露負離子發射端;一用以吸收外部光能的太陽能電池則連接所述負離子產生器以提供負離子發射端所需的電力;從而形成一種不受接線插電限制的負離子產生器。