This Xin Xing Department You Off mono- Seed Zhi Wu Gong Plant cultivations anti-Guang Disk , Let set what Zhi Wu Seed plants face and use, and the reflective recessed cups of the faces what Yi Ping Disk Xing Cheng You Complex Number Ge, and the reflective recessed each Ju You Seed in bottom of a cup portion of each The of what plant holeThereby, the light Line that Will plants Tong Over The Seed Zhi Kong Seed plant the what Zhi Wu Seed plant non-direct irradiation what plants of Mian , And Let reflexes to plant by the reflective recessed cups of The. What is that the part illumination to Xie Decision Xian Qian Ji Intraoperative Sheng Long Light is radiated at the Kong Xi Inter Zao Cheng No effect illumination of Zhi Wu With plants and consumes Electricity Ask Questions, and there is Will Sheng Long Light No effect illumination to be reflected into the effect of Effective Illuminance is in order to save Electricity.本新型係有關一種植物工廠培育反光盤,設置於植物種植面使用,而於一平盤面形成有複數個反光凹杯,且於各該反光凹杯底部各具有種植孔;藉此,將植物通過該種植孔種植於植物種植面,並讓未直接照射於植物之光線藉該反光凹杯反射至植物。於是,用以解決先前技術生長燈的部分照度照射在植物與植物的空隙間造成無效照度而耗電之問題,而具有將生長燈的無效照度反射成有效照度俾以省電之功效。10‧‧‧生長燈11‧‧‧電路板12‧‧‧發光二極體20‧‧‧植物30‧‧‧培育反光盤32‧‧‧反光凹杯