It monitors the substance through the skin of the patient, the sample picks, the instrument which is prescribed, the backing and has had the minute instrument which at least has one skin stab component. The backing has the level base substantially, the skin stab component has extended, exceeding this base. The exit port, penetrating the backing in order to pull the vacuum which raises the stab characteristic of the skin it has extended to the skin stab component and the base which is position with the peripheries of the backing. The minute instrument it arranges the instrument, on the concave circles which were formed to the backing, in order to soak to in the opening where the binder was formed with the minute instrument and wall of the concave section it is produced by applying the binder.患者の皮膚を通して物質をモニタし、サンプル採取し、投与する器具が、支持体及び少なくとも1つの皮膚穿刺部材を備えた微小器具を有している。支持体は、実質的に平らな底面を有し、皮膚穿刺部材は、この底面を越えて延びている。出口ポートが、皮膚の穿刺性を高める真空を引くために支持体を貫通して皮膚穿刺部材と支持体の外縁部との間の位置にある底面まで延びている。器具は、微小器具を支持体に形成された凹部内に配置し、結合剤が微小器具と凹部の壁との間に形成された隙間中へしみ込むよう結合剤を塗布することにより製造される。