Flexible device surgically implantable, made of coated silicone, to join phalange bones, metacarpo-phalange or metatarso-phalange in arthroplasty surgery
Surgically implantable device of a single piece (1; 10) made of an inert, elastic and flexible material, preferably silicone, to join phalange bones, metacarpo-phalange or metatarso-phalange of the hand or foot in arthroplasty surgery, being said single piece consisting essentially of a widened central part (2) formed by a thickened part (5) whose dorsal surface is continuous without depressions or cuts, has a concavity up or down and is provided with a channel (6) that is extends transversely in which a depression (7) is formed in a central position, two elongated rod parts (3, 4) having a smaller cross section and tapered ends, extending from said widened central part (2), one opposite to the other, said depression (7) allowing the approximation of the two elongated rod parts (3, 4) during the flexion of said device (1; 10), said widened central part (2 ) and / or said thickened part (5) acting as a hinge during said approach, characterized in that said single-piece device (1, 10) is coated by at least one layer formed by a thin film of turboestratic pyrolytic carbon having a thickness less than or equal to 10 micrometers obtained by physical vapor deposition (PVD).Dispositivo implantable quirúrgicamente de una pieza única (1; 10) hecho de un material inerte, elástico y flexible, preferentemente silicona, para unir huesos de falanges, metacarpo-falange o metatarso-falange de la mano o el pie en cirugía de artroplastia, estando dicha pieza única constituida esencialmente por una parte central ensanchada (2) formada por una parte engrosada (5) cuya superficie dorsal es continua sin depresiones o cortes, tiene una concavidad hacia arriba o hacia abajo y está provista de un canal (6) que se extiende transversalmente en el que una depresión (7) está formada en posición central, dos partes de vástago alargadas (3, 4) que tienen una sección transversal más pequeña y extremos ahusados, que se extienden desde dicha parte central ensanchada (2), uno opuesto al otro, permiti