Posture Improving Apparatus is a device for helping realign and improve the posture of the user. It is a device that targets specific areas of the body, lifts up those areas, applies pressure to those areas, and then causes other specific areas of the body, with the help of gravity, to be weighted down, thus facilitating the loosening and releasing of targeted fascia tissue, connective tissue, muscles, and the realignment of the shoulders and skeletal bones, resulting in improving posture.The Posture Improving Apparatus device is configured as an adjustable, lightweight and comfortable vest, with or without sleeves, which is worn while lying down on a flat surface, or on a bed while resting or sleeping. It can be worn next to the skin of the body or over clothing. The Posture Improving Apparatus has specific holding areas (e.g. pockets, grooves, etc.) that run up and down the back and front of the apparatus, the length of the spine. The holding areas (e.g. pockets, grooves, etc.) are part of the apparatus or have the flexibility of being a separate attachable unit to the apparatus or a self contained unit. The holding areas (e.g. pockets, grooves, etc.) are filled up with fillers, inserts, “lifts”. The materials used for the filler/inserts/lifts of the holding areas (e.g. pockets, grooves, etc.) range from flexible soft formed materials that maintain their shape, to gel, air and water. The Posture Improving Apparatus device is designed to give the user (and/or health professional) the flexibility to select the location and quantity of holding areas (e.g. pockets, grooves, etc.) that are to be filled, the type of filler, as well as the size, width, depth, height, and length of filler, thereby tailoring the apparatus to the users specific needs.