The present invention provides novel strains of the genus Lactobacillus, which can be used to manufacture pharmaceutical products with probiotic properties for use in human or veterinary medicine. The features of this invention have metabolic functions and are particularly suitable for the treatment of disorders associated with lactose malabsorption and intolerance, fructose malabsorption and intolerance and tension.Ta izum predstavlja nove seve iz rodu Lactobacillus, ki se lahko uporabljajo za izdelavo farmacevtskih proizvodov s probiotičnimi lastnostmi za uporabo v humani ali veterinarski medicini. Sevi tega izuma imajo metabolične funkcije in so posebej primerni za zdravljenje motenj, povezanih z laktozno malabsorpcijo in intoleranco, fruktozno malabsorpcijo in intoleranco ter napenjanjem.