A dispenser for dispensing restricted goods such as pharmaceuticals by anpharmacist to a purchaser with aprescription includes a cabinet containing an inventory storage system, apurchaser transaction module, a reject system and a controlsystem. The inventory storage system includes product storage in rows andcolumns. The purchaser transaction module includingan audio communication link from the dispenser to the pharmacist, a paymenttransaction system in the dispenser to verify paymentfor the product and an issue tray in the dispenser that is locked until thepharmacist releases the product to the purchaser. The rejectsystem securely removes product to a reject hopper at any time after theproduct is held by the product selection device but prior tothe pharmacist releasing the product from the issue tray. The control systemincludes means to enable the pharmacist to view theprescription and the purchaser. The control unit includes a productidentification system that identifies and stores the location ofeach product by its row and column and cooperates with a product selectiondevice that verifies that the product selected is correctand holds and carries the product from its storage location to one or more ofa printing location, viewing location and issue tray alllocated within the dispenser. The pharmacist is able to actuate the rejectsystem or unlock the issue tray.