This Chong Zuo Department As mono- Seed Complex close Gong Neng Legs types crutch , Department include Yi Legs framves, Yi Zuo Pads and one tool handle crutch Duan Group atThe Legs framves are comprising at least San Zhi Legs Guan Group at Jia Body mono- Legs pipes for crutch Duan Tao Knot Ke Shen Shrink Tone Festival structures, the another flat row Legs pipes upper section Bend Let mono- of Two stand up horizontal branch Brace sections of Brace Pads of armrest part and branch, The crutch Duan Let have to be set for illumination or warning function Hair Guang Installed, The Zuo Pads Zhong Yang Ao Let Pivot Cao Knot unify Pivot Zuo With Tao Knot crutch Duan Legs pipe phase Right Tu Let Pivot ears Move Pivot Knot Group living atIn order to providing Steady and Ding Auxiliary walk helps to walk and have both midway and take rest, and hold a person by Two Side stand up Fu Shou Bu Auxiliary help it is convenient vertical more convenient using outer from propping up, The crutch Duan With Legs framves again can Single Independence Chai Open Fen Do do the Duo Chong Jin such as As Guai Zhang With seats step property Gong Xiao Da winners.本創作係為一種複合功能腳型拐杖,係包含一腳架、一座墊及一具握把的拐杖段組成;該腳架包含至少三支腳管組成的架體,一腳管供拐杖段套結可伸縮調節結構,另兩平行腳管上段彎設一起身扶手部及支撐座墊的水平支撐段,該拐杖段設有供照明或警示作用的發光裝置,該座墊中央凹設樞槽結合一樞座與套結拐杖段之腳管相對凸設樞耳活動樞結組成;俾提供穩定輔助行走及兼具中途乘坐休息,而承座者藉兩側起身扶手部輔助方便自扶起立更具便利使用外,該拐杖段與腳架又能單獨拆開分別做為拐杖與座椅等多重進步性功效達成者。