reusable container for packaging and transporting radiopharmaceuticals with an electronic auditing and access control system, more precisely it is a reusable container (1), notably developed to store and dispatch radiopharmaceutical products; said reusable container (1) is configured by a complex of elements that can be joined together, being a main receptacle (2) equipped with a lifting handle (3) and a latching means (me) for the lower disposable covering (4), in addition to present a folding to support the locking frame (5) and electronic cover (6), and said electronic cover (6) seals the access to the internal support (7), which in turn holds the armored container (8); superimposed on the electronic cover (6), an anti-impact cover (9) is provided, which, in turn, also receives means of engagement (me ') for the coupling of the upper external covering (10); said electronic lid (6) has an electronic system for auditing and access control (sc) that allows the opening of the container (1) by activating pre-programmable commands to release the pivot pin (pv) provided therein, in addition to presenting means of auditing (ma) of events registered in the container (1); the management of the electronic auditing and access controller (sc) system is developed through specific software to control the opening and / or closing of the electronic cover (6), in addition to presenting, through hardware installed in the electronic cover, a connection of interface (sid) with other computers and / or databases, in order to collect and store the data obtained by the audit software contained in this package. a connection to a mechanical emergency system (sme), allows the electronic cover to be opened by means of a coded key (cv).container reutilizavel para acondicionamento e transporte de radiofármacos com sistema eletrônico controlador de auditoria e acesso mais precisamente trata-se de um container reutilizável (1), notadamente desenvolvido para armazenar e despachar produtos radiof